Monday, January 12, 2009

Warning: Very Disturbing

I am a numbers guy. I think in numbers, I process in numbers, numbers make me feel comfortable. At an early age, my dad would go through math flash cards with me. Many times, I would say the answer quicker than he could flip the cards. I entered competition and won with ease. I say all of that not to brag on myself but to set the stage to say that as a result of my love for numbers I also love statistics. I often read Barna and Gallup poll research data. I love the percentages, it just makes sense to me.
I particularly love polls because it is pretty hard to argue with them. I guess someone could make up the data giving a false perception, but generally speaking with Barna and Gallup you are getting reliable information. Many times, I don't like what the statistics may say, but it is a reality of the way people feel or perceive things.
OK, I know I am kind of rambling on, so please be patient with me.
This morning, I received via email a new Barna research poll. This one is titled "Christianity is no longer Americans' default Religion." So immediately I was hooked. I quickly read through the article and was surprised, but not really, at some of the findings. So I sat and processed a bit what I had just read. I had a couple of questions so I started to read the article again, this time a little more slowly. And I am not going to comment on the article so much as I am one of the sub-groups that was polled. One of the subgroups is a group of people that call themselves Christians but are not born-again. WHAT??!!!!
I am truly disturbed by this. Think about this, there are people that call themselves Christians (just like I do) but they are not born-again believers (like I am). The reality is beginning to set in that the term Christian does not mean what it use to mean. The article went on to say:

Among individuals who describe themselves as Christian, for instance, close to half believe that Satan does not exist, one-third contend that Jesus sinned while He was on earth, two-fifths say they do not have a responsibility to share the Christian faith with others, and one-quarter dismiss the idea that the Bible is accurate in all of the principles it teaches.
It is no wonder that the church today is falling apart. We have lost what it means to be a Christian, and we are losing the belief system upon which that was built. I am still processing this information so I may comment more. But if anyone else has an opinion or a thought, I would love to hear it.

1 comment:

Paul Hinzman said...

Can't say I am's going to be more and more prevalent as time goes on. Otherwise, how would people be manipulated? Duped? This really is an illiterate generation when it comes to the Bible. I could be religious and say welcome to the end times...did I just say that?